Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My Wife's Weight Loss Story

This is my wife Summer.  She is working along with me in my quest to be a skinnier Fatso.  She doesn't blog . . .I'm the veteran blogger of the family (3 days counting today).  I'm proud of her.  She's blessed us with beautiful children; she has completely revamped her southern/kentucky bluegrass way of cooking so that she now provides us with new, delicious and incredibly healthy meals.  She provides me with inspiration and motivation every day . . .. and she is incredibly demure, humble, and modest.  So I know there is no way that she would ever get on and "Toot her Own Horn" about her weight and her weight loss.  So it seems only logical to me that she would inwardly be thrilled if I were to post her success here.  Summer has never been overweight - -not even appeared to look the slighest bit plump - -but a woman's sense of self is quite different than that of a man.  It only took 6 episodes of Oprah, reading a Woman's World magazine once when I was on the can at the Valvoline Express Oil Change, and years of wedded bliss to my bethrothed for me to realize that. 

Summers victory includes a starting weight of <. REDACTED . > on Jan. 1st.  This was up by <. REDACTED. > pounds from when she graduated high school. She is now a svelte and sexy <. REDACTED.>  pounds.  At our wedding she wore a size  <.REDACTED .> dress and . . . .what the ??  Summer weighs <. REDACTED . >, Summer weighs <.REDACTED.> ,  Summer wears a size <.REDACTED . > . . .are you  <.REDACTED.> kidding me?  A  <.REDACTED .>  MACRO???  Thats what I get for marrying a former IBM'er........Summer also likes to <. REDACTED. > and every time she eats <. REDACTED.> she  <. REDACTED. > like a <.REDACTED. > race horse.  Moreover, one time we <.REDACTED.> till the  <.REDACTED. > cows came home . . . . .son of a <. REDACTED.>.   How the <.REDACTED. > did she do that?  Told you she was amazing . . . .