Wednesday, May 5, 2010

W7D2; A Visit to the Battleground & a performance piece for Dave

Wow - -talk about a recipe for disaster.  Due to some prior obligations, I was not able to run today until late afternoon.  My routine is to normally run in the morning.  By 4:00 this afternoon it was over 80 degrees, I had consumed maybe a total of 300 calories in the last 30 hour stretch, and had spent the day going up and down a ladder onto various roofs. Started out strong and ran the first mile at a 9 minute pace - - at around 16 minutes of the 25 minute run I started cramping horribly in the abdomen area and this was rapidly followed by a general weakness in the legs . . . . .crap, crap, crap . . . I finished out the last 6 minutes or so at a brisk walk.  I am going to make sure I go into Friday's run ready.  If I experience any more issues I believe it is the heat - - and I may have to hang around Week 7 for a while until I am satisfied.  Up to this point I have been a cooler temperature runner.  The whole time my heart rate didn't get above 153, I believe. Disappointed - -but I have read everywhere that sometimes you will have a crap run - -I figure one in 9 weeks of running 3 times a week isn't too bad - -I'll get it squared away. I have been to the Battleground
During my travels today, I realized that I was close to the site of the upcoming 5K at Taylorsville Lake State Park and decided I would scope out the race course.  I had seen a map but I did not have it with me; however I knew I was on the right road - -it was just a matter of what section.  One end of the road the race is to be run on starts here:
The other ends here
A beautiful area if I say so myself.  However between those two points lie this
From way down by the lake it looks like this
Fortunately there is a "waystation" at the bottom of the hill
Would you expect anything less from "Possum Ridge"?
Aside from the hill, which I have fondly nicknamed "Shocking Reality" the rest of the course consists of a few undulating rises and straight, flat stretches
Saw some of the locals
Overall, was impressed with the course - - but obsessed with that hill.  I have to admit I breathed a sigh of relief when I made it home a referenced the map
It appears that the Start/Finish is at the top of the hill and heading back toward the entrance . . . . I may walk the hill for my warm-up . . .hell, I may run it after the race just to conquer the demon . . . . My final installment is a performance piece I captured for Dave - - on my drive back home from Possum Ridge I was reminded of my little buddy and captured a bit of video - -it is more for the soundtrack than anything

Until later . . . . . . to my beautiful wife in Florida - - I love you honey . . . .we all can't wait to see you tomorrow

1 comment:

  1. Yes ... we need to totally rock out to Rush on the way out there!! And perhaps this one:

    ~~ Extra Loud ~~
