Sunday, April 11, 2010

Possum Ridge 5K Flyer


  1. Okay, I gotta ask ... what is that guy behind you doing??

  2. Well . . . that is my Uncle Dan . . . and all of us being Italian we are blessed with a plethora of back hair; as you have seen in one of my earlier posts. In this instance, he was using a Lebanese (another incredibly hairy race) technique called "sugaring". A Lebanese friend of his, down in the Keys, showed him how they dethatched themselves. They make this concoction out of sugar, water and who knows what els but imagine a pool ball sized wad of this sticky-silly putty type material. There are enzymes in your spit that keep it pliable - - so Uncle Dan is spreading it out to about the size of a coaster on my back, it gets gooed up in that hair and Bada-Bing! You rip it right out . . . . .spit, spit, spit . . .loosens it up, spread it on another patch and BADA-BING . . .RIP . . . .Thats ITALIAN!!!! (well, Lebanese)

  3. Uncle Dan seems to be enjoying your pain a bit too much!

  4. Ellen - - you are correct - - he laughed and enjoyed that more than all of the St.Brendan's Fish Frys & Carnivals and Knights of Columbus dances combined . . . .
